DEVINE QUOI???????? all started like this...

Ava gave me a hug and said, "I would miss you, but I probably won't!"
I had no idea what she was talking about...

Then, Christelle approached me and said, "I wish that I were you...lucky!"

Nicki and Vicki then confronted me and said that they would like to trade places with me for a week. They also informed me that they were the "bestest travelers ever!"

I walked in my room and noticed a stack of clothes on the floor and on my bed. Hmmm..

Then, I found out what was going on. Sam, Chrissa, and Addy screamed, "HEY SABINE! YOU ARE GOING TO EUROPE FOR A WEEK...WITH CAITLIN!"

I was in complete and total ne peux pas le croire!
I'M GOING TO EUROPE FOR A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will take and post loads of pictures for sure! We leave tomorrow, by the way!
See you guys in a week!