Prank Calling with Ava & Liz

Ava was furious with me this morning because I was listening to the Hannah Montana Movie soundtrack.
She called me into her room, and said that she's going to teach me how to prank call people.
Her phone has internet access, bien sur- the best for Ava! Yeah, and she has the NC Yellow Pages saved to it, too.
She went first, and she asked me to tell her a funny thing (in French) to say to people. She said "Est-ce que je peux aller a la toilette?"- which means, "Can I go to the bathroom?" The people were befuddled by that.
Anyway, I went, and when I went, I said "Hey, girl! This is Sabine Bouchard!" You aren't supposed to use your real name- that's what Ava said.
Then Liz went. She called someone and yelled "TAG! YOU'RE IT!", then hung up. I thought that was hilarious, so I couldn't stop laughing. Water came out of my nose, lol.
I called Pizza Hut and made up a complaint.

Honestly, it was fun, but a little scary.



Wendy said...

Prank calls are pretty fun, especially at sleepovers! But I'd get in trouble with my mom if she found out, lol.

Sophie Amélie said...

Mais c'est ennuyer à ces gens qui répondent! D'accord, I'm a party pooper, je sais, but prank calls really are annoying. I'd rather listen to the Hannah Montana soundtrack!


merryville11 said...

kit did a prank call once she called up our neighbor susanne picclo and said: hej jag kommer att ta over! and that in swedish is: hello I will take over!!!;D