I've been busy...but not just with The Nutcracker and *groan* school. I had a modeling gig. Oh, it wasn't a big deal or anything. It was pretty casual. I got to model some cute leggings and a cute skirt for Moi Aussi. Plus, I got paid a small sum.
Oh, and check out these FABULOUS headshots!
It gets better. I even get to design a small line! Quelle suprise ! Then again, I do have pretty good taste...
So, here's what you should do. BUY SOME LEGGINGS to show your support. Comprennez-vous ? The leggings and skirt are inspired by the disgusting Fleming twins (Nicki and Vicki) and their even more repulsive cousin, Micki, but I do wear them well.
If you buy anything, let me know! Oh...and definitely share pics with me!