Before I get started with the post, there are some things that need to be taken care of.
1. Soon, a major (or minor- depending on how you look at it) change might be coming to my you guys have any guesses on what this potential change might be? It isn't set in stone yet; I'm still thinking it over.
2. Also, to celebrate my readers and followers, I will be hosting a giveaway this summer. Stay tuned for more information.
Without further ado, the post of the day. I call this one Le tapis des princesses- or "The Carpet of Princesses". Lilly and I celebrated the AGPT Academy Awards with style! We didn't have a red carpet, so we used a lovely princess blanket instead. I believe that Lilly preferred this since she oftentimes calls herself a princess as a joke.
Anyway, here we are posing in our outfits:
I wore my standard party outfit. I truly do need to get some more dresses, but for now, this works. It actually belongs to Sandrine, but surprisingly, she is great at sharing clothes. Regardless, I think the dress looks fairly nice on me. I don't mind wearing it at all.
Et Lilly? She wore standard Lilly clothes. She added a sweater to her favorite dress, though, since it was chilly.
Lilly asked me not to share this, but this is a way for me to showcase her lack of coordination. She tripped over my foot, and this was the result. She's just as careless and klutzy as I am!
Hopefully, I'll have more exciting things to say soon. For now, enjoy the leap day tomorrow! :)