Un changement et la mode

Salut, tout le monde!
Before I get started with the post, there are some things that need to be taken care of. 

1. Soon, a major (or minor- depending on how you look at it) change might be coming to my blog...do you guys have any guesses on what this potential change might be? It isn't set in stone yet; I'm still thinking it over.

2. Also, to celebrate my readers and followers, I will be hosting a giveaway this summer. Stay tuned for more information.

Without further ado, the post of the day. I call this one Le tapis des princesses- or "The Carpet of Princesses". Lilly and I celebrated the AGPT Academy Awards with style! We didn't have a red carpet, so we used a lovely princess blanket instead. I believe that Lilly preferred this since she oftentimes calls herself a princess as a joke.
Anyway, here we are posing in our outfits:

I wore my standard party outfit. I truly do need to get some more dresses, but for now, this works. It actually belongs to Sandrine, but surprisingly, she is great at sharing clothes. Regardless, I think the dress looks fairly nice on me. I don't mind wearing it at all.

Et Lilly? She wore standard Lilly clothes. She added a sweater to her favorite dress, though, since it was chilly.

Lilly asked me not to share this, but this is a way for me to showcase her lack of coordination. She tripped over my foot, and this was the result. She's just as careless and klutzy as I am!

Hopefully, I'll have more exciting things to say soon. For now, enjoy the leap day tomorrow! :)


Joyeux Mardi Gras!

Bonsoir, tout le monde!
Today is, obviously, Mardi Gras, and Lilly and I are celebrating by eating massive amounts of junk food before the start of the season of Lent.
I called claims to those strawberry-flavored cakes, though I may share one with Lilly since the Zebra Cakes have disappered (those are her favorite!).
Anyway, contrary to popular belief, the Mardi Gras celebration originated in the south of France. It was brought to the New Orleans area by French explorers. Clearly, that would make sense considering Louisiana was once French territory. New Orleans just so happens to be well-known for Mardi Gras, but if you are in France during Mardi Gras, there is a large celebration in Nice. The rest of us mainly celebrate by feasting.
Did anybody else do something to celebrate today? I'd love to hear about it, if you did. Tomorrow, Lilly and I plan on attending a mass to get our ashes. Lilly has never attended a Catholic service before, so she's excited to see what it's like. My family was never overly religious, and as a result, I'm not, but it's nice to attend the masses during the Lenten/Easter season. Lent/Easter is one of my favorite times of the year. I'm not sure why I love it so much, but I do. I always feel refreshed and ready to start anew when it's over.
Throughout the season, I'll be sharing some fun cultural-related posts. I also plan on making some cards to send out this year, too.


Today Was A Fairytale

Bonne Saint-Valentin, tout le monde!
Sorry that my Valentine's Day greeting is late; however, I haven't been able to share my photos until now. Life's been pretty busy.
Anyway, you may be wondering about the title of this post. Valentine's Day was indeed not a fairytale; however, it is a Taylor Swift song featured in Valentine's Day- one of Lilly's favorite movies. It is one of Lilly's favorites because Lilly's birthday happens to fall on Valentine's Day. Her favorite color is pink, so she says she has the "prettiest birthday".

On Valentine's Day, we took a break from studying to exchange cards.

Here's Lilly with the Valentine's Day/birthday card I gave her.

I wrote it in French just to make her mad. Although she is in a French class, her French skills have a long way to go. She'd rather just stick with the sciences. If you'd like an English translation of the card, I wrote:
Dear Lilly,
I am very happy that we're friends! You are very funny, and you are my first American friend. Happy birthday!
Happy Valentine's Day, Lilly!
With the French aside, she loves the card because of the tissue paper background I used.

Here is the front of the card Lilly made for me. As usual, she took the simple route.

Her card has some scientific/anatomical flair to it, which kind-of amused me. It was very entertaining.
In case you can't read it, she wrote:
Arteries are red.
Veins are blue.
You're a great friend...
...and my heart thinks so, too!
Happy Singles Awareness Day!"
I guess I might as well explain why she said Singles Awareness Day. She wants a boyfriend who will send her pink roses and three-pound boxes of chocolate. True fact- she told me that about a million times. She's a hopeless romantic.

Here we are with our cards!

Oh, and I bought my twin sister Sandrine some presents, too. She'll have to wait to receive them, though. Regardless, I hope she is pleased! Since she is a talented ballerina, I got her a necklace with a ballerina charm on it. I bought her a spare charm (a ballet slipper) in case she wanted to shake things up.

 Here's a close up of my gift to Sandrine la ballerine:

Bonne Saint-Valentin, mes amis! I hope you guys had a great day with your family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and loved ones!


Merci, tout le monde!

Merci, tout le monde!

¡Gracias, todo el mundo!

Thank you, everyone! If I could speak more languages, I'd thank you guys some more. :)

For the second consecutive year, my blog has been nominated for an AGPT Academy Award in the category of Best Writing. When I first began blogging, I didn't realize that I would get the responses I have received. I was merely blogging just to get things off my mind. I am very happy with the responses, and I am even more grateful for all of the friends I have made because of blogging. While I want to thank my readers for their support, I also want to thank those who comment on my posts for their friendships.

To celebrate, here is a look at my blog headers throughout the years (you can click on each one to make it larger):

Do you have a favorite? If so, I'd love to hear which one it is! Let me know by leaving a comment.

Aside from being nominated for Best Writing, I was also nominated in the category of Best Set Design for my bedroom! It was a nice surprise, and once again, I thank you guys for the nomination. To view photos of my room, CLICK HERE!

Thank you guys once again, and remember, your votes are much appreciated. I am not expecting everyone to vote for me, of course, but any votes I do get would be very, very nice. ;)

To vote, CLICK HERE and HERE!

Merci beaucoup, tout le monde!