La Musique!

As part of a questionnaire I'm filling out:

17: If you woke up and discovered that you had turned into Miley Cyrus for the day, what would you do?

J'adore Miley Cyrus! Je sais, je sais...très américaine!
Je suis devenue connaître avec Miley quand j'avais huit ans. J'ai vu son émission et je l'adorais! Après ça, j'ai commencé à écouter à ses chansons. Je ne les comprenais pas, mais elles m'aidaient à apprendre anglais.

I became familiar with Miley when I was eight years old. I saw her show and I loved it. After that, I began to listen to her songs. I didn't understand them, but they helped me learn English!

The Americans obviously don't like Miley, but whatever. Let them.

The main reason for my obsession with Miley songs stems from the fact that I can relate some songs to my life. For example, "I Hope You Find It" reminds me of coming here and although my friends didn't want me to, they wished me the best. "Butterfly Fly Away" almost has the same meaning. I needed to leave, explore the world, and pursue my dreams. I tend to favor her slower, more acoustic-sounding songs, but her pop songs are cool, too. They remind me of the French pop I listen to.

Aside from Miley, I love French pop. I'm obsessed with Alizee, Yelle, and Marie-Mai. Even if you don't know French, you can still enjoy their songs; they are fun and upbeat. You can listen to some of my favorite songs on the iPod on my blog.

I felt compelled to do this post on my favorite songs. Music is such an inspiration to me. Whenever I feel sad, I listen to my iPod and my world seems at peace.

Please. Let me know what your overall opinion of music is and tell me what kind of music you like.



Emily said...


I'm not the hugest music fan, but when I do listen to it, it's always country. I like the upbeat pop-ish songs. Mostly I listen to it 'cause it's not all about drugs, bad language, and other icky stuff. I don't have to turn off the radio if Mother or the babies come in!

Lucie et Juliette said...

If music speaks to you then it is special. Who cares what other people think anyway? Thank goodness there is a huge variety of music out there.

We enjoy some of Miley's songs too. Thanks for expressing yourself and sharing what is meaningful to you!

Lucie et Juliette said...

Oh, and we love French pop too! We have lots on our MP3 player. We watch Alizee vids on YouTube. We're always looking for new French pop artists to listen to!