I've been to London, been to Paris...

Oui, c'est vrai- je suis allée à Londres et à Paris, mais le titre est des parlons d'une nouvelle chanson de Miley Cyrus! Tout le monde sait que j'adore la musique de Miley. Je suis très heureuse parce que son nouveau CD était libéré aujourd'hui! La chanson en mon titre? Permanent December.
Yes, it's true- I have been to London and Paris, but the title is lyrics from a new Miley Cyrus song! Everybody knows that I love Miley's music. I am very happy because her new CD was released today! The song in the title? Permanent December.
I have yet to purchase the actual CD, but I did download all of the songs. The sound is a little different than her previous CDs, but I don't care; it's still great. My favorite song would have to be "My Heart Beats for Love".
I am completely thrilled; I have been singing her songs all day! 
So when you have time, please take that time to listen to it.

Ava has been tormenting me all day; she thinks I'm being obnoxious about the CD. I'm not going to force her to like Miley Cyrus, but I do want her to have some respect for me. Anyway, I'm sure she has been super excited before.

Speaking of excited, I have a surprise coming for me relatively soon...any guesses?


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