(Presque) Haute Couture

I interrupt the current chaotic situation to bring you....
...HAUTE COUTURE! This just so happens to be surprise #1 out of #2
Technically, I'm not sure if this counts as couture or not, but I got a new sweater. It involves the Frenchy want-to-be's future clothing line affectionately titled "AG à la mode Couture". She's not sure if she can make one exactly like this again; she was just hit with inspiration and now she forgets how she made it...
Here are some fun photos! I felt kind-of like a model during this photoshoot. About fifty pictures were taken, but you'll only get to see a few. (Keep in mind that I am not the modeling type AT ALL. Being photographed isn't my favorite thing...)
Let me know what you think.


Ce n'est pas la surprise; ne pensez pas cela! C'est horrible....c'est bizarre...c'est méchante!
This isn't the surprise; don't think that! It's horrible....it's weird....it's evil!
This is the state I was in before Ava (who is normally evil) rescued me:
Pas chouette...not great. I already knew that the humans were painting the basement, but I didn't expect to be put in a box! I am so weak; I couldn't even lift the lid!
Then came Super Ava. She used her super American force to get out, of course. I heard her screaming profanity, but that's Ava for you...
I feel honored; I was the first person that Ava saved! It could have been because I was the first person she saw, though, but I am going to choose to think she was being respectful to the French. I was in such a state of shock (Is this the real Ava?) that I couldn't move! She screamed, "GET OUT, SABINE! I SAVED YOUR POOR LITTLE FRENCH REAR! NOW DO ME A FAVOR AND SCRAM!"

"Merci, Ava!" I thanked her for saving me, but she didn't look too pleased. "It's like a repeat of World War II! You are taking advantage of an American! I told you once- GET OUT, SABINE!" Woah, Ava...no need to be rude. You did me a favor; I thanked you. I fail to see how I was "taking advantage of you"...silly Americans and their French stereotypes!
Once we were on solid ground, Ava began to talk to me. It was a civilized conversation, actually. She didn't bash the French, she didn't swear, and she didn't say anything rude. We questioned what had happened and both decided that we were confused as to what was going on. Really...I never imagined for something like this to happen; I just hoped everybody else was safe.
Well...she did make a confession. "Sabine, I have been keeping this inside of me for almost two years and I need to let it out; 'Sabine' is a really weird name." Funny for me to think she was going to remain civil...
"CAN SOMEBODY, LIKE, HELP ME?!?!?" We heard a startling scream in a familiar Valley Girl voice. Who was screaming? Was it Mia or Alyson?
Super Ava decided to climb and save the person because Valley Girl accents seriously annoy her more than French accents. (One day, I'm going to gather up all my courage and let her know how obnoxious her loud, Southern accent is to me...until then, I'll let her bash accents.) Another thing that confuses me is her climbing abilities; I knew Liz could climb like that, but Ava climbing? Nah...couldn't see it. Ava's skills (à mon avis- in my opinion) are sitting on her butt either a) racing go-karts or b) playing video games.
It was Alyson. Alyson ran down and gave Ava a huge hug. Ava, however, was opposed to this hug but didn't feel like pushing the heiress to the ground. Alyson went rambling on and on about how she is planning on suing PPBS and how she is going to immediately book a flight back to L.A. (Can I come, too?) on her private jet. She also complimented Ava's shirt but insisted that jean capris are ugly. She didn't even thank Ava! She is just completely selfish and is always thinking of herself and what money can do for her. At a time like this, I can't even think about purchasing Miley Cyrus's CD!
"Does my hair look nice? I'm worried that it looks horrible! OMG, I like hate bad hair days!" She whined. How typical Alyson...
We made our way out of the torture area and back into the main room. What is happening? We froze in our tracks; where was our stuff? What was going on? How come we weren't informed of anything?
This is when we made a life-altering decision- we were going to have to escape if we wanted to live. Ava wanted to return to get Liz while Alyson and I wanted to save Ashley and Lilly. However, Ava decided it would be best to escape in threes. She said she'd text Liz and inform her of the plan.

But where, oh where, are going to escape to?

I'll keep everybody updated on the situation. I know as little as you do about what is going on.


I've been to London, been to Paris...

Oui, c'est vrai- je suis allée à Londres et à Paris, mais le titre est des parlons d'une nouvelle chanson de Miley Cyrus! Tout le monde sait que j'adore la musique de Miley. Je suis très heureuse parce que son nouveau CD était libéré aujourd'hui! La chanson en mon titre? Permanent December.
Yes, it's true- I have been to London and Paris, but the title is lyrics from a new Miley Cyrus song! Everybody knows that I love Miley's music. I am very happy because her new CD was released today! The song in the title? Permanent December.
I have yet to purchase the actual CD, but I did download all of the songs. The sound is a little different than her previous CDs, but I don't care; it's still great. My favorite song would have to be "My Heart Beats for Love".
I am completely thrilled; I have been singing her songs all day! 
So when you have time, please take that time to listen to it.

Ava has been tormenting me all day; she thinks I'm being obnoxious about the CD. I'm not going to force her to like Miley Cyrus, but I do want her to have some respect for me. Anyway, I'm sure she has been super excited before.

Speaking of excited, I have a surprise coming for me relatively soon...any guesses?


"S" est pour Sabine!

Salut! Mon été va bien! Et tu? 
Je suis maintenant très paresseuse...comme une américaine! Aidez-moi, quelqu'un! 
Vraiment, je me suis amusée. La chaleur est vraiment grande. (Le temps d'été ici est bien mieux que le temps d'été à Lille.) J'aime promener avec mes amies et j'ai fait cela journalier. J'ai aller encore nager, mais je ne l'aime pas que beaucoup.My summer is going great! How's yours?
I am now very lazy...like an American! Help me, someone!
Really, I am having fun. The heat is really great; the summer weather here is much better than the summer weather in Lille. I love walking with my friends and I do that every day. I have yet to go swimming, but I don't like that very much...
Well, with American summers comes silly American summer trends. This trend? Silly Bandz.
Personally, I think they are really stupid. They aren't fashionable AT ALL. I mean, what's so cool about wearing a shaped piece of plastic on your wrist? Nothing. My friends back in France have NEVER heard of these before. That is, until I told them and directed them to the "official Silly Bandz website".
Well, I outside the other night and I decided to have some fun with the letter bands:

I couldn't find a "C", but a "U" works just as well.
Ava, of course, had her own fun. Her word sums up her feelings about all things French:
What? Did you actually expect for Ava to write something endearing? 
This is just the beginning of summer; hopefully, I'll do something more exciting. I plan on going camping with a few of the girls. That could be fun, or that could be seriously dangerous. I'm leaning towards "dangerous" because that's how everything with the Americans seems to be...
Haha, I guess they like to live on the edge!


Le dernier jour!!!

Je suis libre. Le dernier jour de l'école était hier!
I am free. The last day of school was yesterday!
It's not that I don't like school; don't get me wrong. This year has been rough. Chrissa has basically been in every single class of mine, except for Spanish. Crois-moi, you can only handle so much Chrissa at one time.
And Ava...mon dieu...
During Spanish class, we had some competency quiz. I thought it was pretty hard. You were supposed to know all your Spanish verb tenses, which I did, but I forgot the endings; I was thinking in French.
Anyway, Ava and Liz thought it would be so funny to pull a last day prank on me, so they sat behind me and plotted for awhile...
Yeah. They look so innocent, oui? Vous avez tort.
They decided to put (er...pour) hand sanitizer on my seat! First of all, hand sanitizer is such an American thing. I think Americans use it because are germophobes, or at least that's the impression I get. Chrissa uses it after she touches something. I don't remember having that stuff in France; maybe I'm wrong? Ha. Funny...moi? Wrong? We aren't perfect...
It was REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY COLD!!!!!! It was so startling that I fell off my seat.
Merci, Ava, for a memorable last day...
